Our team.


Manivillie Kanagasabapathy

Be who you want the world to be

As an established writer, speaker, and community organizer, Manivillie has made significant contributions to addressing women's issues, particularly marginalized women. She is a policy and project management professional with over 15 years of experience working in the corporate/private, non-profit and public sectors. In recognition of this, she was chosen as an Emerging Female Leader by the Canadian Women's Foundation and is also one of Earth Day Canada's Tapestry Community Leaders. She sat on the City of Toronto's Advisory Panel on Gender-Based Violence. Her business, My Poetic Heart, offers writing workshops to help people find their voice and will be launching books and products this fall.  



Mithula Sachi

If you desire to make a difference in the world, you must be different from the world.

Mithula takes a vision and makes it reality through sound strategy development and execution. She intuitively sees the threads of opportunity that wind through an organization, brings them together into a coherent whole, helps others extend their thinking, and drives material business advantage. She is an inspirational leader who tells stories that inspire action while at the same time is grounded in financial information that levers the business. She is the Founder of a private consulting practice, working with leading organizations across Canada.

With her passion for giving back to the community, she has served on the Board of Directors for many non-profit organizations and has made significant contributions to addressing women & children, hunger & poverty, infertility & reproductive health, and immigration issues.



Tania Hassan

“The Service you do for others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth.” ~Muhammad Ali

As someone who enjoys living through the thrills of life and trying it all, Tania comes with a diverse background of professional skills across industries and sectors, including the private, NGO and public. Advocating for others and standing strong on issues of social justice have always been something very close to Tania's heart, particularly in the global landscape. Empowering others and supporting them in achieving their desired changes, big or small, is what brings the greatest feeling of fulfilment to her. Tania has contributed in spaces involving youth, student, women and racialized groups through initiating campaigns, coaching and organizing with communities on the grassroots level, as well as mobilizing knowledge and people through education and awareness.  

In 2005-2010, Tania was part of a small team that co-founded the Canadian chapter of a human rights advocacy organization for Bangladesh called Drishtipat. Since then, the work of international human rights is what moves Tania. While Tania understands that change can be a slow process, she believes in fighting for it through policy reforms and systemic adjustments. Her philosophy as an active agent of change is to fight the system from within the system, from the inside out.



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